Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 9 2008-2009

So much for back to back perfect attendance awards fro Ryan. The stomach flu ate him up and spit him out and caused him to miss bowling for the first time since the 06/07 season. (Even though I wasn't there I will now attempt to give the recap based upon just knowing the scores.) I'm sure the evening started off with Brick calling Ryan some very choice names, I'm guessing stomach flu is not included on his accepted excuses for missing bowling list. A list which is limited to extended weekend 4-wheeler trips, extended weekend rafting trips, and following your heart out of the city which allows you to miss half the season. Tom then likely tried to order half of a pitcher, instead of the normal 2 pitchers. Then he probably realized that was even more than he normally drinks and just ordered water. After the first game it looked like the Llama's were maybe better off as a 3 man team...Tom 211, Brick, 205, and Bryan 139. The second game was not as friendly with only Tom's 201 above average. Kevin decided to show up for his weekly 1 game and bowled a 158 in the third game. So the Llama's struggles continue with another losing week.

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