We often speak of the ever elusive Llama, as Brick once sang "The ever elusive Llama, I will find you, cause you're the one I adore." In all honesty the Llama hasn't been that elusive this year as we have 5 stellar bowlers who have chased down quite a few. However one specific Llama has been very elusive over the years...the Dali Llama, which as we all know is 9 strikes in a row. For just the 3rd time in almost 10 years the Dalai Llama made an appearance, I will explain more but let's start in the first game. With our record at 53-52 and this being the last week of the 1st half we just needed to go 4-3 on the night to lock up our first half over .500 in a few years. We came out of the gates firing, Ryan, Tom, and Kevin all had a turkey within the first 4 frames. Tom finished with 2 turkeys for a 217. Kevin bowled an over average 180, Brandon and Brick were both slightly under average, and Ryan rolled a turkey and a Llama for a manly 220!! All that added up to a victory and we were just 1 win away from a winning record. Unfortunately in Game 2 we struggled..Tom with a 198 and Brick with a llama and a 212 were the only ones over average. The story of this game was the two studs who have avoided the skirt so far this year...Brandon and Kevin. Brandon for about the 10th time of the season just avoided the skirt with a strong
143 but Kevin was not as lucky although as you look at the picture it seems Kevin couldn't have been happier wearing the skirt. Kevin was so proud of this awful picture he immediately texted it to his wife, who I think was quite disturbed on how happy and free her husband felt in a skirt. Needless to say we lost game 2 and now needed game 3 for our winning record. Game 3 brought a focus to the Llamas that I haven't seen before, Tom was so focused in the 1st frame he bowled a 6 and then 0. But then the magic happened...Turkey, Llama, Super Llama, Ultra Llama, Mega Llama, Double Llama, and then my favorite the Dalai Llama. Previously only the Llama King Brick, who named it the Dalai Llama, had reached this level and he did it twice. The sad new is Tom was unable to get to 10 strikes in a row which Brick got to last year and named the Bahama Llama. Even worse is he didn't get to 11 in a row which has never been reached by a Llama Chaser and therefore hasn't been named. Tom and I both agree it should be the Barack O'Llama which not only sounds excellent but also is a name everyone can relate too. Brick has even threatened bodily harm if anyone gets to 11 strikes before him a
nd names it Barack O'Llama. So we all have that to look forward to in the 2nd half. Tom finished with a season high game of 265 and a 680 series. Kevin's 195 and Ryan's 200 all added up to another W which put us at 5-2 on the night and closed out the 1st half at 58-55. Next week is fun week and of course the Llama Chaser Christmas Extravaganza. As I mentioned last week we will be having all sorts of fun contests including a Llama spitting contest and a Llama Chaser Groupie wet t-shirt contest. We will be having Llama rides(on a real Llama Chaser) and Kevin will be wearing the skirt again and giving free lap dances. Can't wait to see you all there!!

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