Song - “Do What Ya Gotta Do” written by Ryan will be sung by Eminem and Rihanna
Movie - “Dude, Where's My Car?” starring Ashton Kuchar

“Do what ya gotta do, to get whatchya got.” Most of you are not familiar with the song but will be when I pitch it Eminem in the near future. As the words say it is about not making excuses and just getting the job done. The team set a goal of a 185 average for Ryan and BAM!, he got it. A goal of 17 llamas and BAM!, he got it. Do what ya gotta do!! As we all know Ryan also took over the title of “second best bowler on the team” a title which had been Tom's for essentially the last 10 years. I chose “Dude, Where's My Car?” as the movie for obvious reasons. If you don't know the story check out the recap from week 30 of last year. The short story is Ryan thought he locked his keys in his car, Tom drove him home to get a spare set but it turns out Ryan had his keys in his bowling bag the entire time. Expectations are at an all-time high for this young, handsome phenom. He worked so hard to earn the “second best bowler on the team” title, it will be kind of sad when he turns that title over to Brick this upcoming season.
Song - “Mama Said Knock You Out” LL Cool J
Movie - “Pulp Fiction” starring John Travolta
To quote LL Cool J from “Mama Said Knock You Out”, “Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years.” Kevin never really left the Llama Chasers but the last few years he often chose work over bowling. In the 08/09 campaign he only bowled 57 out of 93 games. But in 09/10 he bowled 87 out of 93 games and set career marks for llamas with 11 and average with 178. The movie “Pulp Fiction” was recommended by Tom for Kevin's recap, here is what Tom had say “Pulp Fiction was John Travolta's comeback. last year was Kev's first full season in at least a couple of years. Before that Kevin always was there steady, nothing great but nothing bad, you could depend on him. Then he started missing weeks and we weren't even sure he cared, he would go and re-appear as he pleased. Then last year he comes back doesn't miss anytime (he missed some games but still came to bowling) and with his new ball is better then he was.” I couldn't say it better myself. Hopefully Travolta errrr Kevin can continue to build on last season. Expectations are at an all time for this middle-aged, bald guy. He worked so hard to become the “second worst bowler” on the team. Hopefully the new 5th bowler on the Llama Chasers will come in with a 135 average so Kevin can hold on to his title.
Song - “The Ever Elusive Llama” written and performed by Brick
Movie - “Jackass: The Movie”
Rob filled in at a time of need for the Llama Chasers...bowling without a 5th bowler the entire 1st half Rob joined the team for the 2nd half. While his 135 average is nothing to brag about he actually raised his average just about every week which was all we could ask for. In the 10 weeks he bowled he was unable to string 4 strikes in a row hence “The Ever Elusive Llama” song choice. We all know the words Brick sings so beautifully... “The Ever Elusive Llama, I will find you, cause you're the one a adore. The Ever Elusive Llama, Mmmmbbbaahh.” After finishing the season strong the Llama Chasers were excited to have Rob coming back for the upcoming season. That is until late last week when he informed me he was not going to bowl this year, that is why I chose “Jackass: The Movie.” Instead of letting us know months ago, which rumor has it he had decided in June, he waited until 5 days before the season began. It was eerily similar to Lebron James and his “Decision” only Rob chose a text message instead of a press conference. Either way they are both jackasses.
Song - “Three Weeks” by Brave Combo
Movie - “He's Just Not That Into You” starring Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck
The titles for Andy's song and movie sum up his 09/20 campaign with the Llama Chasers perfectly. He bowled with us for “Three Weeks” and he could of bowled with us in many more weeks but “He's Just Not That Into You(Us)” apparently. One line in “Three Weeks” is “You can have my Monday, I'm not in the mood to play” and that is what it seemed Andy told Tom each week we needed a 5th bowler. Andy bowled quite well the 3 weeks he was with us, averaging around 190 but he didn't bowl with us after October of 2009. I've never seen “He's Just Not That Into You” but I'm guessing it is about a fill-in bowler who turns his back on his bowling team and would rather watch “Monday Night Raw” than help his friends dominate a bowling league.
I hope you enjoyed the recaps!!

Song - “Mama Said Knock You Out” LL Cool J
Movie - “Pulp Fiction” starring John Travolta
To quote LL Cool J from “Mama Said Knock You Out”, “Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years.” Kevin never really left the Llama Chasers but the last few years he often chose work over bowling. In the 08/09 campaign he only bowled 57 out of 93 games. But in 09/10 he bowled 87 out of 93 games and set career marks for llamas with 11 and average with 178. The movie “Pulp Fiction” was recommended by Tom for Kevin's recap, here is what Tom had say “Pulp Fiction was John Travolta's comeback. last year was Kev's first full season in at least a couple of years. Before that Kevin always was there steady, nothing great but nothing bad, you could depend on him. Then he started missing weeks and we weren't even sure he cared, he would go and re-appear as he pleased. Then last year he comes back doesn't miss anytime (he missed some games but still came to bowling) and with his new ball is better then he was.” I couldn't say it better myself. Hopefully Travolta errrr Kevin can continue to build on last season. Expectations are at an all time for this middle-aged, bald guy. He worked so hard to become the “second worst bowler” on the team. Hopefully the new 5th bowler on the Llama Chasers will come in with a 135 average so Kevin can hold on to his title.
Song - “The Ever Elusive Llama” written and performed by Brick

Movie - “Jackass: The Movie”
Rob filled in at a time of need for the Llama Chasers...bowling without a 5th bowler the entire 1st half Rob joined the team for the 2nd half. While his 135 average is nothing to brag about he actually raised his average just about every week which was all we could ask for. In the 10 weeks he bowled he was unable to string 4 strikes in a row hence “The Ever Elusive Llama” song choice. We all know the words Brick sings so beautifully... “The Ever Elusive Llama, I will find you, cause you're the one a adore. The Ever Elusive Llama, Mmmmbbbaahh.” After finishing the season strong the Llama Chasers were excited to have Rob coming back for the upcoming season. That is until late last week when he informed me he was not going to bowl this year, that is why I chose “Jackass: The Movie.” Instead of letting us know months ago, which rumor has it he had decided in June, he waited until 5 days before the season began. It was eerily similar to Lebron James and his “Decision” only Rob chose a text message instead of a press conference. Either way they are both jackasses.
Song - “Three Weeks” by Brave Combo

Movie - “He's Just Not That Into You” starring Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck
The titles for Andy's song and movie sum up his 09/20 campaign with the Llama Chasers perfectly. He bowled with us for “Three Weeks” and he could of bowled with us in many more weeks but “He's Just Not That Into You(Us)” apparently. One line in “Three Weeks” is “You can have my Monday, I'm not in the mood to play” and that is what it seemed Andy told Tom each week we needed a 5th bowler. Andy bowled quite well the 3 weeks he was with us, averaging around 190 but he didn't bowl with us after October of 2009. I've never seen “He's Just Not That Into You” but I'm guessing it is about a fill-in bowler who turns his back on his bowling team and would rather watch “Monday Night Raw” than help his friends dominate a bowling league.
I hope you enjoyed the recaps!!
See you at Freeway Lanes tonight at 6:30!!!! Please sign the guestbook at
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