Monday, October 26, 2009

2009-10 Week 9

We sat down at the table only to find out we have gotten screwed out of our wins the last 2 weeks because we were behind in our bowling fees. So instead of being in 3rd or 4th place we are in the middle of the pack. We are protesting with Moose so we will see what happens, I'll keep the fans posted. As our fans in Llama Nation know this is the best we have been in the standings in a few years so we may need to set up a protest if the ruling is not in our favor, I'll let you know. On to the bowling. The second worst bowler on the team Tom came out on fire, determined to regain is former status as the second best bowler. Going into the week Ryan's average was 190 and Tom was at 184. Tom went 248, 205, and 231 crushing Ryan's 192,169,194. And just like that we were back to even at 189 averages. This will hopefully be a fun storyline for Llama Nation to follow as the season progresses. Andy filled in for us and bowled a solid 235 the first game. Brick came back down to earth with his second lowest series on the year and Kevin had a below average night. As a team we managed to squeeze out a 5-2.

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