Llama Chaser Nation it was brutal, unmerciful, cruel, heartless, vicious, remorseless, and most of all, beautiful. The Llama Chasers dominated the opponent and bowled our highest series EVER!!! It being Valentine's Day we all wanted to be at home with or wives/girlfriends(or at least I did) but duty called and we each decided to take our anger out on the opposition. We started with a Super Llama 1st frame with each bowler rolling a strike. Kevin turned his into a Llama and then Brandon followed with a Llama of his own. Brick delivered a clean game 204, Ryan and Tom were slightly under average, Kevin finished with a strong 213, and Brandon had a clean game 226(and he was just warming up). We won game 1 but it is game 2 that will be remembered when you tell your grandkids about the Llama Chasers. Let me start by telling you that the opponents had scores of 221, 223, 254 and their 4th bowler was 7 pins over average at 163. And we beat them 73 pins! Tom started the festivities with a turkey, then rest of us took over from there. In the 4th, 5th and 6th frame Brandon, Kevin, Brick, and Ryan were a perfect 12 for 12 strikes. Kevin had a Super Llama, Brandon had a Super Llama and Ryan had Mega Llama(that is 6 strikes in a row, some less educated people think it is an Ultra Llama but that is 7 in a row). Tom started with a turkey and closed with one as well which totaled a team low 200. Brick also closed with a turkey and finished with a 211. Kevin dropped a total of 7 strikes and finished with an awesome 233. Ryan also had a total of 7 strikes and rolled a 236. Finally, Brandon who was still just getting going had 8 strikes and led the Llama Chaser pack with a 237. Our team scratch total was a Llama Chaser record 1117 and with our handicap totalled 1238 which is the 2nd best in our league this year!! Game 3 wasn't quite as sweet as game 2 but it was still memorable and help set another Llama Chaser record. It also provided what I talked about last week, the very enjoyable win with someone ending up in the skirt. Tom capped off a great night with a Super Llama and finished with a 227, 607 series. That was only good enough for 3rd best on the team. Kevin had a clean 3rd game finishing with a 191 and an amazing 637 series. But the night belonged to Brandon. He started the last game with a llama and also ended it with a llama. He had 10 strikes in that game and 24 total on the night! His 258 in the 3rd game gave him an unbelieveable 721 on the night, which is definitely in the top 5 all-itme Llama Chasers series and maybe as high as number 2. He also either set or tired a record with 4 llamas on the night. Congrats Brandon on a stellar night!! I don't want to embarass anybody so I won't say who will be in the skirt for the first game next week. I will only say his name rhymes with a male body part. Even with the skirt effort we still bowled the highest handicap series in our league this year and in Llama Chaser history. Simply a thrilling night on the lanes! I have had many more exciting Valentine's days just spending time with my wife but in speaking to Brandon, Tom, Kevin, and Brick this was by far their most exciting Valentine's Day ever. We are now 35-21 which includes 33-9 over the last 6 weeks. The Llama Chasers are now in second place and just 1 point out of first. The Year of Llama is upon us, let's enjoy!

Before we go we would just like to say Happy Birthday to Llama Chaser Brian who lives in Chicago. The Llama Chasers left him a beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday on his voicemail on Monday! Mmmbbbaaaahhhh.

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