Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 1 - Game On!

Well the 2011-2012 season has officially started! Actually it started about 2.5 weeks ago but I've been a little delayed. I am going to blame the new little llama my family added this offseason. As you can see in the picture he is unbelievelably handsome. much like his father. So please don't send any nasty e-mails my way about me slacking off, if you must send them you can send them to Cameron@IMisMyDaddyOnMondayNights.com. But enough about that...let's talk about our offseason workout program. The Browns had Camp Colt, the Llama Chasers had ummmm...nothing. When I say nothing, I mean nothing. Brandon, Kevin, Tom, and myself bowled a total combined ZERO times. How's that for dedication to our craft! Now Brick did bowl a few times. How many? Who knows? He says twice, Tom thinks probably twice a week, and I think maybe only every other day. This does happen to be our normal offseason routine and as you can see from our 0 championships it may be time change that up, but that is a conversation for next summer. This week we got to bowl the defending champions of the league Sounds Good. It's sort of like the NFL how they like to have a great match-up week 1, unfortunatley we were not up for the challenge. Rather than blame anyone in particular I will just say it was a team effort. Everyone was around average but Sounds Good just went off. Well one guy did start a little slow, but like I said I don't want to call anyone out. Let's call this person "Brendon", he had a rough week dropping in a 149 in Game 1 and averaging 161 on the night which is about 30 pins under his expected average. But it is a long season and "Brendon" does tend to start a little slow. On the night we went 2-5. So much like the team has started off slow, so have the recaps but I promise both will get better. Thank you for your continued support Llama Chaser Nation!! Mmmmmbbbbaaaahhhh.

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