That's right Llama Chaser Nation...BOHICA...Bend Over Here It Comes Again!! Another week of bowling, another 7 effin' points lost. For those of you counting at home that is 3 straight weeks of losing or 0-21!!!!!!!!!! Our record was 20-22 after the first 6 weeks and now we are locked in the basement at 20-43.
I'm not sure what has happened to Americas favorite bowling team but we suck. We are kind of like the Cleveland Browns...every year a promise you something better but it the same results. Kind of wish we could bring in a new owner like the Browns.
The worst part is the story this week is the same as the past 2 weeks...we ran into another train. We had a 736, a 719 and a 660 series bowled on us. Oh and by the way our leader Brick decided to stay home to watch the Presidential debate(or he might have thrown out his back and couldn't walk). That ended Brick's Cal Ripenesque streak of not missing bowling in over 2 plus years.
To sum week 9 up quickly Tom bowled like crap again mixing in a 136 and 154, which means more skirts for him. Kevin had a 155, 155, then a 167. That adds up to 3 skirts because the skirt rules has dropped with each consecutive loss, you now have to bowl average or better to avoid the skirt. Andy and myself at least decided to show up. Andy was over average all 3 games and dropped in a 201 and a 212. My 151 in the first game had me in the skirt for game 2 which motivated me to a 199. In game 3 I tied my career high with a 257 and even dropped in Mega-Llama, 6 strikes in a row. Even with me 84 pins over average we stll lost game 3 by over 90 pins. There is no defense in bowling!!
Someday the losing streak will end until then I guess we will just have to take former Indiana Basketball Coach Bob Knight's advice, he once said: “If rape is inevitable, why not sit back and enjoy it." BOHICA!!
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