Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 20 - MLK Day...I have a dream!

Last year on MLK day I told you about the LLama Chasers "MLK Day Disaster" and in the recap and told you of my dream. This year the dream may be coming true.

Here is my soon to be famous speech:

I have a dream that one day this bowling team will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all bowling team are not created equal. "

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Cleveland, the sons of former Llama Chasers will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Ohio, a state sweltering with the bad bowling, sweltering with the heat of few Llamas, will be transformed into an oasis of Llama Chasers everywhere.
I have a dream that my two little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by a Hambone but that 4 strikes in a row will be judged a Llama.
I have a dream today!
It is all starting to come together. The bowling God's are finally smiling on the Llama Chasers. It's a shame the bowling God's had to make us suffer for 10 plus seasons and had to humiliate Tom for the first 16 weeks of this season but as Kelly Clarkson and I mentioned last week "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
Llama Chaser Nation we came out strong in week 20. I led the way with a 212 in game 1, which included a Super Llama. Kevin was dead on average with a 177, Tom seems to have found a groove and posted a 180, and Andy dropped in a 201 with a Llama. We all know it is great when we win a game and someone ends up in the skirt and Brick was nice enough to provide us with that skirt. He started with 2 strikes and was seriously thinking he might bowl a 300 but he had to settle for just over half of that with a 154.
Game 2 we kept our foot on the gas. I dropped in a clean game 226, Kevin had a 180, Tom a 182, , Andy had a clean game 225, and Brick's struggles continued with a 178. This game was a little closer then the first but we closed strong in the 9th and 10th frames and a perfect night was in our sights.
Game 3 looked ugly through 5 frames as we found ourselves down by over 100 pins but somehow pulled out a victory with Kevin, Brick, and myself all under average. Tom was dead on average with a 156 and Andy led us to victory with a 200 adding his 2nd Llama of the night. Andy had a great night with all 3 games at 200 or more and a 626 series.
So there you have it a perfect 7-0 night, our first undefeated night in the last 10 weeks. We now stand at 16-12 on the second half and in 4th place.
Last year going into MLK day we sat at 19-2 and went 0-7 on the night and the Llama Chaser collapse began. This year going into MLK day we sat 9-12 and we went 7-0 on the night and maybe just maybe The Year of the Llama has truly begun.
One last thing...I want to say a quick thank you errrrrr, I mean, f#ck you to Tom. If you look to the right you will see he has the standings and stats updated to week 13, he is only 8 weeks behind!!! Tom can you at least pretend like you give a crap, maybe pull your head out of your ass and take 2 minutes to at least update the standings, is that so difficult?

As always you can find us on Facebook or on Twitter

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